Wednesday, February 24, 2010
R and R

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hat Collection

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Going Green

I spent the day with my mama, who conveniently, lives right around the corner. We had ourselves a lovely little day, full of baking cookies, knitting, sitting by the fire and planting grass. Yes, that's correct-- planting grass!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A Scent-Sational Treat

clementines and a cup or so of water.
The Little Tree Grows On


Friday, February 12, 2010
Work, Play, Heal

Ironically enough, I'm not feeling quite up to snuff, either. Some little pains in my throat and neck, but I'm battling back with tea, work and mind-over-matter. Nope- no medicine for this girl.
I'm super excited about the start of the winter Olympics tonight. I can't wait to perch on the couch and watch all the athletes as they enter the stadium. Their talent and dedication inspire me. But (ugh), I'd feel guilty laying around if the laundry waited. So alas, I hopped to it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Kitchen Spa


Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A Letter to the Blizzard
~ Joseph Wood Krutch
Dear Bliz,
I risk sounding rude, but I must tell you that your little antics drive my Chad-o insane. As you probably already know, most of the north-east finds itself safely indoors, enjoying hot cocoa, movies or long winter naps.
But not Ninja...no sir-ree. He constantly spends his free time shoveling and cleaning out the driveway and dusting off the cars. Recently though, I've become quite concerned. You see, he deems it perfectly necessary to shovel the roof. Yes, the roof of the house.

I'm in a rough spot here. I kinda like, I mean I really like, all of this snow. I find it cozy and relaxing, but then again, I'm not out climbing around on the roof. I'm fully enjoying my snowday vacations and making the most of this unplanned time off.
The boy, however, doesn't feel the same way. He's annoyed. And, perhaps a bit paranoid about the roof caving in. I tend to think he might be acting a bit extreme, but I suppose it pays to be prepared.
In closing, I just wanted to ask that you keep up the good work- at least well enough to cancel school- but take it a bit easier on dear Chad-0. He just might lose it. Or fall. Yikes!
Thanks for listening.
Snow Much Fun

Twenty minutes later, I walked through the snow covered streets to pick her up. Our little snow adventure turned into an entire afternoon of fun, laughs and memory making. So much for that laundry. It wasn't seen again until 9:30 pm on Monday night.

As we walked down the middle of Main Street, going the wrong direction, we passed this lovely ATV. We also had encounters with the National Guard and a few snowmobiles that were serving as rescue vehicles for our fire department. Desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

I can honestly say that the Starbucks Walk turned into one of the most fun adventures I've had in a long time. I mean really, how many times can you just toss on some snow pants, walk down the middle of every major road in town and drink coffee with good friends?
Live the moment. Live every day like it's your last.
A New Favorite

Veggies and beans and quinoa not only exist as the perfect pepper stuffer, but also provide quite the protein kick and nutritional value.

Quiet Morning

Puppy Paddle- The Freestyle Version

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Tiny Sweet Feets
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Those Days, These Days

At least some young student who recently celebrated her birthday brought me this cute mini-cupcake. I didn't eat it though-- I gave it to one of my munchkins.