Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Put Some Spring in Your Step

"Cinderella is proof that a pair of shoes can change your life."

I learned from a young age that shoes serve as an ultra necessary ingredient to a successful outfit. My mother dearest and Mamoo taught me well.

I wish Mamoo could see these. She, more than anyone, would get a sincere kick out of my little creations and new business venture.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Call Me Dorothy

"When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race."
~H.G. Wells

Donning a pony tail, flip-flops, and sunglasses, I proudly pedaled myself all over town today. Enjoying the sun on my face and the wind at my back, I felt 7 years old again. I've reached the age where I no longer care how I appear to others. I was smiling and giggling as I zipped through neighborhoods, zoomed along main roads, and climbed cumbersome hills. Thank you, bicycle. I had a most wonderful time.

For the spring, summer and early autumn, I'm planning on taking my bicycle everywhere: the fruit market, library, little coffee shop. Well, anywhere that doesn't require a professionally groomed look, anyway. Goodbye automobile! Adios petroleum drinking machine! Toodle-do carbon emitting engine!

Just wait until you see how stunning my bicycle appears when sporting a little basket and horn. Oh I simply can't wait. I'm practically clicking my heels at the thought.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Workshop

"You're writing the story of your life one moment at a time."
~Howard Martin

Do you have a place to go where you can enjoy the quiet, get lost in thought, and make fun, crafty treats?

I covet the time spent in my little room. It serves as a hideaway, a club-house of sorts, for my creative daydreams.

I'm very thankful for this space.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Tour With Grayson

"Plants cry their gratitude for the sun in green joy."
~Astrid Alauda

Greetings, blog readers. Allow me, Grayson P. Squirrel, to give you the lay of the land here at La Casa de 403. It's quite a posh little hang-out, if I do say so myself. Please, sit back, relax, and take a peek at the lawn from my lovely vantage point.

I'll be honest, I'm a bit biased when it comes to this neighborhood. The aged oak trees and their plentiful acorns have an intoxicating effect on me. It's quite something, really.

Just the other day, as I stopped to admire some lovely forsythia--and dig up a snack or two, I couldn't help but to notice the growth of Dott Avenue Forest. Amazing! I'm sure that in a few short years, I'll have plenty of new trees to climb around and hide out in. Cha-Ching!

Would ya look at that? Grow, little trees! Grow!

You'll probably never believe this, but some lady that takes care of the flowers around here practically did a little jig when she noticed her clematis survived the intense winter. I'm quite sure she has issues. She seems nice enough though. I mean, sometimes she throws old bread outside for the furry and feathered creatures. Hey, I'll take it. You won't hear me complaining.

And, hello heavenly blue sky! Don't you just love to lay in the grass, roll on your back, and peer up at this? aaahhhh....

This, friends, is my most favorite spot to bury acorns. Please, keep this to yourself, OK? I have a hearty stash and if it goes missing, I'll know who spilled the nuts.

Just this afternoon, the Queen Bee and her mother, planted these. I'm rather pleased. They add quite the splash of vibrance and color. All the more reason for those squirrels on the east side to be jealous. Pfft.

And this, folks, ends my part of the tour. Feel free to explore and look around, just don't pick up any acorns or poke your nose in the windows of the house. A scary fur-monster lurks inside and it will chase you. I swear. It happened to me before.

Feel free to tip your tour guide, as tips are much appreciated. And, be very careful crossing the street. Look both ways and then run. Run very quickly.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Restful Weekend

"I like the word 'indolence.' It makes my laziness seem classy."
~Bern Williams

Why are p-jammer pants and oversized sweatshirts so cozy?

My weekend consisted of yarn, tea, snacks and time with my puppy and hubbo.
Heaven. Absolute Heaven.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Springtime Love

"Bread feeds the body, indeed, but flowers feed also the soul."
~The Koran

We're in the middle of a rather harsh spring-time storm. Tucked away under the bed, Little Peep hides, frightened by the rumbling thunder and pounding rain. I, on the other hand, pace nervously, ever so concerned about my tiny flower friends.

Just the other day I purchased a bundle of poppies, my newest flower obsession. Always an admirer, this spring I figured I'd plant a few of my own. Watching them grow and finally bloom has provided an insane amount of fun for a rather simple girl like me. I so hoped for vibrant orange petals, and as you can see, my wishing paid off.

Please, rain, don't destroy my little botanical wonders. Deal?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Little Messages, Big Hearts

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge."
Albert Einstein

Yesterday afternoon I found myself engaged in a wonderful recess time conversation with my colleagues. We were outside enjoying the sunshine and de-stressing after an intense three days of standardized testing. If you've ever spend any significant time in a school setting, you completely understand the rarity of such adult conversations.

Anyway, while I chatted away, a few of my students interrupted me with shouts of, "Mrs. Wheeler, come see what we made! Come see! Hurry! Come see!"

I hate to think that I showed even the slightest bit of annoyance at their request, but I probably did. Shame on me. However, once I saw what they wanted to me see I filled with warmth.

Upon close inspection, it appears that these lovely ladies spelled out sweet nothings to me with dandelions. So sincere, so sincerely sweet.

Look closely, K spelled out "Mrs. Wheeler Rocks!"

J wrote, "#1 teacher!"

E's mulch writing says, "Mrs. Wheeler is kool!"

And, not to leave out my puppy, Charlie T., my sweeties made me a dandelion depiction of my furry dogger.

Thank you, creative ones. You brightened my day and warmed my heart.

Bless you.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Princess Posies

"The whole world, as we experience it visually, comes to us through the mystic realm of color."
~Hans Hofmann

Lately, I've made a serious attempt to add some color to my wardrobe and to the decor of 403. I really love color, but because I detest when things look "busy" or "cluttered," I hesitate to use it in an abundant amount. I prefer simple and plain with an added accent here and there. Think vanilla icing with colored sprinkles.

Therefore, my recent purchase at a local nursery really made my head spin. I wonder if I'm going through some type of personal crisis? Pink daisy-looking flowers? Really?

I mean, they are pretty and all, but they just scream "princess" or "beauty-queen wanna be"-- two things that I've always made fun of and found ridiculously humorous.

But, joking aside, I'm really head over heals for these little darlings. They give the budding lawn and blue sky a dash of unexpected color. And that I enjoy; very, very much.

Cheers to spring and color and pretty pink flowers!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Tastebud Treat

"Sit down before fact like a little child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abyss Nature leads, or you shall learn nothing."
~Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895)

I'm pretty much addicted to this tantalizing vegetarian treat. Dubbed "Bean Stuff," this combination of Edamame and corn will have you reaching for seconds and thirds and quite possibly fourths. In fact, it's perfectly reasonable that you will nosh away until the entire bowl holds only traces of the deliciousness that previously existed.

I, personally, enjoy a generous serving for lunch and then again after school for a pre-gym snack. Between the texture and subtle flavor, I honestly can't get enough. Perhaps you'd like to make some, too?

"Bean Stuff"
Mix together the following ingredients:
2 Tablespoons of peanut oil
1 Tablespoon of Rice Vinegar
1 Teaspoon of Soy Sauce
2 Tablespoons of Sesame Seeds

Cook 2 cups of Edamame and 1 cup of corn according to the package
Run under water to cool
Drizzle the dressing over the veggies and stir gently
Refrigerate and serve chilled

Enjoy every last, delicious morsel.

This Life

"You deserve the fun, the joy, the freedom and the pure goodness that flows through the experiences of love that indwells you. The choice is yours."
~from the book: The Intelligent Heart

In so many ways I've been blessed in this life. If something happens to me tomorrow, say I go to the doctor and am told I have terminal cancer, I'd still consider myself to be ahead of the game.

What I'm about to tell you, dear reader, risks making me sound seriously strange. Strange, as in you may very well think that I'm mentally disturbed. But, deep breath, here it goes...

I believe I had just surpassed the exceptionally mature 7 year-old mark, when I found myself wide awake in the middle of the night, with my eyes glued to an age appropirate documentary on the topic of reincarnation. That's perfectly normal, right? I'm sure all second graders watch the Discovery Channel when they suffer from severe insomnia.

While I could humor you by giving a play-by-play of the people and their current and past lives, I won't. I'll spare you the horrid details, as simply recalling them gives the heebie-geebies.

But, what I will tell you is that for years and years, I would lay awake at night and pray that if reincarnation was real, and if I was reincarnated, that I would return to the same life with the same family. Very strange, right? Well, it's true. Very, very true. And sometimes, on days like today, I'm reminded why.

I have a fantastic family- a family that never forgets about me. A family that always makes me feel loved and cared about and important.

Thank you for today. I loved every minute.

And, if reincarnation is real, and if I am reincarnated, I still pray for everything to stay the same.
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