Just wait until you see how stunning my bicycle appears when sporting a little basket and horn. Oh I simply can't wait. I'm practically clicking my heels at the thought.
Do you have a place to go where you can enjoy the quiet, get lost in thought, and make fun, crafty treats?
I covet the time spent in my little room. It serves as a hideaway, a club-house of sorts, for my creative daydreams.
I'm very thankful for this space.
Just the other day I purchased a bundle of poppies, my newest flower obsession. Always an admirer, this spring I figured I'd plant a few of my own. Watching them grow and finally bloom has provided an insane amount of fun for a rather simple girl like me. I so hoped for vibrant orange petals, and as you can see, my wishing paid off.
Look closely, K spelled out "Mrs. Wheeler Rocks!"
J wrote, "#1 teacher!"
E's mulch writing says, "Mrs. Wheeler is kool!"
And, not to leave out my puppy, Charlie T., my sweeties made me a dandelion depiction of my furry dogger.
Thank you, creative ones. You brightened my day and warmed my heart.
Bless you.