LC= Leftover Coffee
I= Ice
LC + I = Yum!
Knitting orders have consumed my life-- and I mean that in the most wonderful way. I love making something and thinking about how the little babe will look in one of my creations. It's beyond fun to shop for new yarns and notions and dream up creative ways to make something crafty and unique.
Tomorrow my baby fur-face turns six years old. Yes, I'm knitting her a sweater. The nurturer in me simply couldn't resist the wonderfully fun pattern and extra chunky yarn. She's bound to earn the fashionista of the neighborhood award. Two paws up for her.
I hope your weekend brought happiness and sunshine and all the things that provide contentment to your spirit. My weekend? Fabulous. It was the absolute best.
I enjoyed numerous bike trips to and from a quaint little town that may just become my new summer retreat. Biking is quickly becoming my new favorite form of physical activity. Between the beautiful scenery and the quality workout, I'm finding myself very fulfilled. Plus, I get to spend tons of time laughing, racing, and joking around with my favorite people.