Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Planning Ahead

"Observe always that everything is the result of change, and get used to thinking that there is nothing Nature loves so well as to change existing forms and make new ones of them."
- Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome (121-180 AD)

I've always had a deep love affair with my day planner. I'm into it. I enjoy recording my day to day events or appointments or little goings on. I like looking ahead, yet I also enjoy sitting with old agendas and reliving the days. Each year I carefully choose a special planner that will record my life in 2 x 2 squares, and amazingly enough, I still have them all.

Now you see, all that planning comes with a drawback. I can become seriously attached to getting things accomplished. Take today, for instance.

I've known since last year (when I failed miserably) that I wanted to plant bulbs. I previously had visions of brightly colored daffodils, crocuses, hyacinth, and anemone dotting the lawn at 403.

Well, that didn't happen. Why? Probably because I didn't write it down.

Knowing that I must adhere to the written word, I looked at my schedule on Sunday night and decided that today, Wednesday, September 29, would be the day for bulb planting. I grabbed my purple pen, and put ink to paper. And just like that, my plan became official. Whew.

After a long day with the 6th graders, I jumped in Jaxie and high-tailed it to the greenhouse. I filled my cart with the necessary ingredients, got myself home, and spent the next few hours digging and digging and digging. I also sprinkled bone meal and minced soil and intricately placed hundreds of garlic-y looking little bulbs.

No one ever tells you these things, so allow me: digging six inch deep holes is no joke. As a matter of fact, it ranks right up there with a solid cardio workout. Blast! Like working all day wasn't enough. Did I really need to throw in a full 2.5 hours of manual labor?

By the time I finished my planting the sun had long since retreated to its peaceful nighttime bungalow. I captured the beautiful sunset and then finished the last of my planing with the helpful illumination of a flashlight.

Alas, my job is done. I'm thankful for my day planner and the commitment it brings me.

Now I'll just sit back and wait for spring. *fingers crossed*

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Legacy Blooms

"No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?"
~ Lee Iacocca

Shady, overcast days like today provide a quiet calm for a time of remembrance. My great aunt, "Aunt Louise" had her gentle spirit remembered today. Aunt Louise and Uncle John, God rest their souls, were my dad's aunt and uncle. My dad grew up down the street from them, and I have fond memories of visiting these sweet, sweet individuals.

My mama has often talked about how many of the flowers in her gardens came from the homes of dear friends and relatives. Sweet peas from Mamoo, this from Billy, that from so and so, and sedum from Aunt Louise.

How nostalgic, I've always thought.

Recently, my mother told me of how when she and my dad were first married, they would often arrive home from work to find a homemade pie or a basket of rolls or a pan of sweets from Aunt Louise. One day, they came home to a clump of sedum wrapped in damp newspapers.

Isn't that adorable? It really makes my heart melt.

Today, my little fur-face and I took some of that same sedum and planted it in our garden.

We also planted two big bunches of tic seed from my mama. I've always loved the light and feathery greenery, topped so delicately with tiny yellow flowers.

In a world of hustle and bustle, and at a time when people barely have a moment to greet each other with a friendly and genuine "hello," I find it so charming to think of how my Aunt Louise and Uncle John took the time to make my parents feel special.

I'll always think of them and their loving legacy when I see my purple sedum growing and flourishing and providing my garden with a beautiful splash of color.

Aunt Louise, your legacy blooms and your gentle, sincere spirit is forever remembered.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Have a Happy Almost-Fall Weekend

"Care less for your harvest than for how it is shared and your life will have meaning and your heart will have peace."
~Kent Nerburn

What a beautiful day. The perfect dessert to a most lovely sleep. I simply love waking up to the clear blue skies, chilly mornings, and steaming mugs of creamy coffee.

Today I want to bake. And make soup. And harvest overflowing baskets of veggies from a garden that I don't really have. I can, however, make the soup and bake though, so I'll concentrate on that.

The weekend has graced us with her presence, my friends. Let us savor it.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Change of Plans

"Think of entrainment as being "in sync." When your head and heart, thoughts and feelings, are working harmoniously together, you have more clarity and inner balance–and you feel better."

In so many ways this has been a most wonderful week. On the other hand, it's been quite difficult. I've had a few decent cries on the way to work, and perhaps a sniffle or two on the way home. I won't dwell on that now, though. You're not here to read of my sadness, and at the moment, I'm not quite ready to share it. So there. We're even.

But, in an attempt to treat myself for getting through a most emotional week, I decided I'd ride to a favorite little knitting store of mine and attend "Knit Night." All week I looked forward to this evening. Just thinking about it made me calm and helped me focus and look ahead.

Today was to be the day. Today was to be my little reward, my treat.

Guess what didn't happen? Take a wild swing at the event that got canceled.

Knit Night.

Bummed. Disappointed. Angry. Those words accurately summarize the emotions I experienced. But, like any true champion, I pressed on. I made myself don the smile and the half-hearted "no problem" attitude and I went about my night.

Starbucks and candy corn twinkle lights and time with CT and the finishing of a knitting project occupied my evening. It wasn't quite the night of learning a new knitting technique that I had previously envisioned, but it worked. I didn't get to surround myself with nice people who shared a common interest. Heck, I didn't even talk to a soul.

But, I made it to Thursday night. And, amazingly enough, I found my peace- for now, anyway.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Slow Down, Life.

"How you spend your time is more important than how you spend your money. Money mistakes can be corrected, but time is gone forever."
~David Norris

I'm telling you, in complete honesty, that my plate is full. Full of good, good stuff, that is. How then, is it that I'm never really tired for my bed? How is it that I crave longer days to learn and make and do and play? What an interesting dilemma.

I've tried to narrow it down. I promised myself that I would no longer dabble in a little of this and a little of that. I said that I'd choose a few things and really do them well. I promised to devote my time and energies and love to the chosen few.

So, I'm sorry to admit this, but the narrowing down really didn't work. I didn't add any new interests or hobbies, but I dove really deep into those chosen few and now I'm engulfed by creative energies.

Knitting, blogging, running, reading: You have become my most favorite friends. We have some amazing times together, don't we? If I could just sneak in a few extra hours each day...then, well maybe then, I'd be making progress.

I need more time. Or, life could slow down.

However, the realist in me sees neither happening. Oh well. I'll just continue to jam pack my days and live them to the fullest. Is there any other choice?

I didn't think so. grin

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pink Cake Day

"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."
~Chili Davis

I know what you're thinking.

You're counting the candles on my pretty cake and finding yourself highly impressed by the writing skills and vivid vocabulary of a seven year old.

I'm all about playing make-believe, so seven years old it is.

On September 7th I aged another year, added another tally mark, and became more valuable in the world of antiques. Yet however old I seem to get, my mama always makes me a pretty pink cake. Every year I look forward to that. So simple and delicious.

This year my birthday brought an abundance of happiness. I was treated to a bike ride, yummy food at my favorite restaurant, time with my family, fun gifts, morning coffee by my best pal, chocolate chip cookies from the music teacher, singing by the kids, cards in the mail, and lots of love.

And inside these brown paper packages, which happen to be my very favorite type of wrapping, a Nook was hiding. Yes, a Nook. My very own electronic book. Every nerds' dream come true.

Many thanks to all of you who made me feel so very cared for and loved on my special day. I'm truly blessed, in many, many ways.

Good Sleepin' Weather

"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."
~George Eliot

Right now my coffee pot gurgles it's grand finale. Soon I will move from my comfy spot and pour myself a hearty cup of warm goodness. My biggest debate is that of the creamer to use: flavored hazelnut or classic and original. I'll ponder that.

I just returned from the most relaxing shower. There's something about scalding hot water, steam, and vanilla soap to soothe the soul. I must have stood there for thirty peaceful minutes, allowing the hot water to lull me into a serene calm, a place of reflection, a quiet gratitude.

I thought of the last two weeks and my return to my classroom. I'll be honest, saying good-bye to summer 2010 was very difficult for me. Other than 2005, this summer went down as the best one of my entire life. I enjoyed every second. Not a moment was wasted. I knit, planted, biked and played. I read, blogged, photographed, and laughed. I ate good food, skipped down the street, indulged in lunches with friends, and had coffee with my mama. I shopped, vacationed, napped, and ran. Oh the fun, fun days of summer.

But, alas, I'm back to my job and back into a routine. It's good, though. Really. I suppose we wouldn't savor those blissful times, or realize quite how wonderful they were, if we didn't also see the other side of the equation, right? Balance. There must be balance.

However, as much as I love summer vacation, I'd much rather have off August, September, and October. These, you see, are my most favorite. I can only imagine the adventures and fun and good times I'd have. Summer Vacation multiplied by ten... I can't hardly stand the thought.

The evenings in early autumn relax me, yet at the same time, they stir in me a desire to savor every minute, to drink in the beauty, to inhale the aromas. I want nothing more than to appreciate each second, to capture the essence of nature's gradual change, and to burn the ambiance into my mind....forever.

Perhaps I love autumn for the way it reminds me of childhood. The neighborhood kids would shovel away their early dinners and dash outside to ride bikes and play a quick round of hide-and-seek before being called away for baths, "mid-night snacks", and bedtime stories. The bathwater was always green... I'll never forget that. Shoes- who needed them?

Maybe it's the way the sun sets in the sky or the way the crickets and locusts sing their dusk-time songs, or perhaps it's the ever present memories of book-bag packing and peanut butter sandwich making that take my soul to a happy place.

These days are good, my friends. They are full of the good stuff of life.
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