So, in honor of February and Healthy Heart month, I present apple cozies. Who says being healthy has to be boring?
So, in honor of February and Healthy Heart month, I present apple cozies. Who says being healthy has to be boring?
So, the other day, I had an idea. You see, it's been rather cold and snowy and I just needed a reasonable excuse to turn on the oven and generate some extra heat in Chad-o's chilly abode.
I found a rather simple homemade soft pretzel recipe and got to work.
This particular recipe was my first experience baking with yeast. Thankfully, all went well. People really make it out to be way more difficult than it actually is.
As I was rolling my pretzels out, my mind flashed to the workers at Auntie Ann's, a soft pretzel shop that makes the most amazing carbohydrate treats. I tried to envision how they create the perfectly shaped pretzels- not too chubby, not too skinny. All I needed was a little white hat and embroidered apron and I would have been the perfect pretzel artist.
These critters turned out to be a tad on the tiny side, but still packed a tasty punch. Rest assured, this is not the last of my pretzel adventure.
I thoroughly enjoyed the silence. Other than the swooping of snowflakes and gusts of wind, I proved the only interruption to nature's quiet party.
I gazed around, taking in the wonder and letting my imagination and thoughts perform a recital through my overactive mind. How is it possible that these brittle twigs and pods continue to stand steadfast against blustery winds, harsh cold, and feet of snow and ice?
Mother Nature, obviously. She's one amazing woman.
Looking around and watching for tiny details caused me to question the 'white-ness' of snow. In some areas it gleamed a bright white, almost glowing with glitter and shine. In other places, it appeared heather-gray, the color of a old, worn, thread-bare sweatshirt. Yet, other views showcased a spectacular, cold sapphire cast.
I've taken this same trip before. Actually, I take it quite often. I go here to think, to be quiet, to let my mind wonder. But no matter how often I visit, I'm overcome with amazement. This very same place totally transforms in accordance with the requests of Mother Nature.
Stunning. Magnificent.
Well, that snow is no joke for a petite little canine such as myself. I mean, it's one thing to scoot outside and potty, but it's another to tackle an unshoveled driveway and a poorly plowed street. But, like Mama, I enjoy a challenge. So off we went-- me carving my own perfect path-- and Mama following my trusty lead.
I love lending a paw-- well make that four paws. Mama is such a rockstar that it makes me ruffy happy when I can help her out.
So, dear friends, finally, after much trudging and trail-blazing and snow eating, I spotted Grammie's house! I really love going there, even though I have to share the spotlight with that Millie dog.
I'm really hoping that the phone rings early tomorrow morning, too. My day with Mama was tops!
Please, Christmas and holiday season, don't go away quite yet. I'll miss you too much.