If The Phone Doesn't Ring, It's Me.
~Song title by Jimmy Buffet

Did you ever stop and ponder the art of a good conversation?
In thinking about the term conversation, I began to realize how modern technology has changed the definition of what it means to communicate. I'm saddened by the people who are slaves to their cell phones, or who have gone as far as to attach a mobile telephone to their belt. I won't even begin my rant on Bluetooth headsets, but honestly--Does anyone really think it's a good idea to have a signal constantly beamed into the side of one's brain?
Personally, I find cell phones an annoyance that I could do without. I know, I know, cell-phones are great for emergencies (roll eyes here). Yet, I can't think of too many individuals I know of who don't have the top-notch plan, complete with unlimited texting, Internet capabilities, and gasp--a camera! According to my sketchy calculations, the average person must have well over 400 minutes of emergencies a month. May I suggest a class in crisis management?
Ahh, but the telephone, the plain, stationary telephone, complete with a curly cord. Remember those days? They were something, weren't they?
Do you remember how people would put aside their dish washing, lay down their irons, and step away from their cooking when a call came in? Telephone conversation was purposeful then. One may even go as far as to say it was meaningful.
The other day, while rummaging through a nifty little antique store, I stumbled across this rickety old treasure. Isn't she sweet? I can almost see her, perched atop a handcrafted telephone stand, aside a notepad and address book. I wonder about the conversations she transmitted and the people she dialed. I very much hope her stories are happy and full of love.

I feel compelled to report that Miss Ringy has made a wonderful transition to her new home. After an hour or so of gentle bathing, and the removal of a few inches of dust, dirt, grime and goop, she looks marvelous, and rumor has it, she's been calling everyone to tell them she's back in business. (*wink)
GREAT POST and great find! You cleaned her up nicely. I wonder if rotary phones can still get dial tone?
Oh, You can see jack's cake on FB.
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