"The art of being happy lies in the power
of extracting happiness from common things."
~Henry Ward Beecher

I suppose gardening is akin to having children and watching them grow; listening with pride as they make sounds, cheering as they roll over and crawl and walk, and then squealing with delight as they utter their first words. Hummm...is it fair to compare a garden to a flock of wee people?

For the past few weeks, my precious cherry tomato plants have been producing yellow flowers. I've been patiently watching and secretly hoping for the first glimpse of green fruit.

So, you can probably imagine my excitement when these little wonders appeared on the vine. Woo-hoo!

And, the thyme finally created a carpet-like ground covering; creeping and filling in all the tiny nooks and crannies.
Oh, and of course I can't forget about my chives. These lovelies were so tiny and fragile when first placed outside, and I often found myself wondering if they had what it took to survive the interesting Somerset, Pennsylvania climate. Thankfully, they're going strong and growing like weeds...haha. (Sorry for that- I just couldn't resist. Grin.)
It's rather crazy to think that I actually began this whole gardening adventure when the snow was blowing and the wind rattled the windows. I still remember starting my seeds and gently spraying them with misty water, moving the trays to ensure a plethora of light and warmth, and then checking them daily for any sign of sweet green sprouts.
Yea, my little garden babies are growing up and it's pretty neat to watch them evolve, reach for the stars, and produce all kinds of yummy wonders. Oh boy, I'm really hooked~I heart my garden...a lot.
Nice job on the herbs and tomatoes. You are going to have some great salads soon. Such a good mama you are!
We've had 3 tomatoes so far... I'd love to see an overview picture of how you have them organized. Are they in your back yard?
Wish you were next door so we could share our goods. Miss you friend!
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