"If you can't sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. It's the worry that gets you, not the lack of sleep."
~Dale Carnegie

Usually, I sleep like a baby. I'm one of those people who can fall asleep just about anywhere and pretty much anytime. I love sleep and it loves me. Me and sleep- we have a grand ol' relationship.
However the other night I found myself wide awake. I looked over at the clock only see a harshly illuminated 3:18 am. Ugh...
I tossed and turned and meditated and finally gave up.
"Why not do something productive?" I chided myself.
I hate the thought of wasting my time, so I got up, turned on the computer, picked up my knitting needles, and taught myself a new pattern. (Yes, I teach myself to knit by using educational tutorials such as YouTube... I know, I know....)
So, please enjoy a peek at my midnight creation. It's on it's way to being a present for a little dearie I happen to think the world of.
Nice work Cathy! I love those colors together. Nicer than washing dishes or laundry, which is what I do sometimes.
Glad to hear someone else uses Youtube as an educational resource. Whenever someone asks me how I learned to do something; half the time, my answer starts with "Well, I watched this video on Youtube..." I'll have to use it to reteach myself how to knit!
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