Monday, January 25, 2010

I Should Have Been a Bear

"Bread deals with living things, with giving life, with growth, with the seed, the grain that nurtures. It is not coincidence that we say bread is the staff of life."
~Lionel Poilane

Food has always had a tight grip on my heart, and unfortunately, continues to toy with me. Constantly taunting me and roping me in, carbs--specifically sweet, warm goodness-- exist as something I simply can't avoid.

So, leave it to me to scour some of my favorite recipe sites and stumble upon a heavenly morsel of yummy delight. I really need to find a better way to spend my time. Obviously, innocently glancing at a few recipes only added fuel to my already sad, sad food obsession.

Low-fat Oatmeal Banana Bread.

The plus-- it's low-fat.
Thank you, God. Really, thank you.

The last thing I needed was an excuse to whip out my bread baking tools and concoct another carbohydrate packed treat. However, I fell-- hook, line and sinker-- and before I knew it, my pen took on a life of its own, quickly scrawling a grocery list of necessary ingredients.

I dreamed of this bread all day. Seriously. As I flitted about my classroom, graded papers and worked out at the gym, it hung in the eves of my mind, begging me to rush home begin the baking process.

Well, I caved. I gave in.

I did make an honest attempt to make "low-fat" even more low-fat. Thanks to a few simple modifications, my version is practically fat-free. Isn't that better? It almost makes it alright to eat until my heart's content.

Now, all I want to do is hoard every last piece and take a long, long nap. Bears really live the life. Hibernation must be amazing.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Mmmmm. Hey some carbs are good. You can't eat veggies all the time. How were the parsnips. Do you know that recipe called for 2 pounds of them?

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