Monday, November 15, 2010


"Man's mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimension."
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

After months and months of wanting to learn and after passing over hundreds of patterns due to an intimidation factor, I overcame the very thing that has been holding me back.

I drop-kicked my mental block. I defeated my opponent.

You see, many knitting patterns call for the use of 4 double pointed needles. For those of you who don't knit, that means that rather than using the standard two straight knitting needles, one knits on a rotating circle of 4 needles. Each needle has two points, or ends, and the work is pushed from top to bottom while working in a clockwise rotation.

Knitting on double pointed needles serves many functions and purposes. First, it allows for seamless knitting and second, it is perfect for little circular objects, such as the fingers of a glove.

I've really, really, really been wanting to learn how to do this, but I didn't really know of anyone who could help me. So, I did what any abnormal, desperate person would have done. I hauled it to Michael's, bought a few sets of double pointed needles and the yarn I needed for this insanely cute project I have up my sleeve, and I came home and read some cheesy how-to book.

I'm so psyched. You have no idea.

great. big. grin.


Maria said...

Ooooooh. What are you making? That sounds really hard though. I would definitely be intimidated. Looking forward to seeing the new item.

If this were FB, it would get the "like" button.

Karey said...

Yay for learning new things! I'm a huge fan of google and youtube for learning things like that!

Congrats! Whatever you're making looks adorable!

Greta said...

You are amazing... really. Don't know why I don't have that go figure it out attitude. That's the part I live through you and Jeremy. You doers!


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