"God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages."
~Jacques Deval

I've returned from a lengthy run where I enjoyed listening to the pounding of my feet and the swooshing of my pony-tail. I turned off the tunes and lost myself in the steady mantra of breathing.
The rain gently danced on my cheeks, providing the cooling solace my body needed to push on. The entire experience proved overly cathartic, giving me time to think and try out new ideas.

My muscles burn. I probably ran up one too many hills. My feet are a bit sore. It's good though-- I'll rest well. Between the tired muscles and the cool, damp breeze blowing through the house, it's a recipe for good, good sleeping.
Crickets sing outside and their songs carry through, serenading me as I type while a tiny fur person dozes on my feet. It's Heaven, really. I love nights like this.
Great news came today. So happy and blessed.
What's the news?!?!?!?
Every now and then while looking out the front door I will see a runner going up the street and it always puts a smile on my face:) Blessings, sooo many blessings!
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