"The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it."
~Marcus Aurelius

Dinner bakes in the oven, the sun sets behind the church steeple, my wet hair continually falls into my face, and the symphony of evening creatures has gradually become louder and louder. Soon the lightening bugs will glow and a damp mist will cover the lush grass. This is summer. This is sweetness.

Ninja is bowling tonight, so when he arrives home, we'll dine outside, in the dark, with Little Peep at our feet. She'll probably want a morsel or two of our meals, and because she's so gosh-darn adorable, she'll probably luck out.

But, what a day! A good run in the heat of the afternoon, a little shopping adventure that turned up some 50% off sales, some digging in the dirt, a finished knitting project, and a new experiment with popcorn. (I'll fill you in on that later). How will I ever deal with serious structure again? How? Someone, please tell me.

1 comment:
wow, bee shots!!! pretty cool photos!
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