Friday, December 23, 2011

A Christmas Meal

On Tuesday afternoon I rushed home from school and planted myself in the kitchen, eager to cook, create and set up the perfect inviting atmosphere.  Chad-o and I were hosting a little gathering; a tiny, loving, pre-Christmas dinner party.


How about the early darkness of a December night?  I just love it.  I'll rush to plug in all of the lights, allowing the house to be lit with nothing more than the twinkle of Christmas trees and the glow of candles.  Heaven, I tell you.  Pure Heaven.

The lights were gentle and flickering, the company perfect and the food nourishing.

A simple, semi-homemade menu set the stage:  vegetable/beef soup, fresh salad, homemade bread and brownies with mocha-peppermint ice-cream.  It was warm, comforting, tender and festive.

I must admit that these Santa Clause drinking glasses are one of my favorite holiday decorations.  My mama and I found them in the back of an old, dusty antique store a few summers ago.  Jackpot.  I love wondering about where they lived before and whose holiday celebrations they accessorized.

Naturally, this delightful evening was followed by steaming hot shower and a lovely little napper on the couch.  Thank you, Chad-o, for filling the role of dishwasher and clean-upper.  

1 comment:

Greta said...

Sounds like vacation agrees with you. :) The wrapping ritual I adore. Wish I could say I did it. We do wrap but mine is more a "get it done" instead of pretty... I do adore the pretty packages. Maybe one day I'll be there. Miss you and Love you!

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