Monday, August 20, 2012

Bread Baking Day

“If thou tastest a crust of bread, thou tastest all the stars and all the heavens.” 
~Robert Browning

The clicking sound of the oven preheating, mixed with the tapping of Charlie's tag against her water dish are the only sounds to break the silence.  The house is calm and in order, two notions which I love.

I'm about to say farewell to that calm and order, because in a few short days this holier-than-thou summer vacation will screech to a halt and I'll find myself thrown into the tornado of adolescent issues, paper grading, and lesson planning.  

While I try and forget about the alternate life awaiting me (a life which I truly do enjoy), I'm baking bread.  Two loaves. 

Yes, you read correctly. I did use the baking word.  I've long ago given up on baking cakes, as that tended to end in disaster and dysfunction, while giving my ego a strong lashing.  Plus, we don't really eat enough sweets to make it worth the while.  Sure, a cookie or ice cream cone here and there, but overall we're just not sweet treat eaters.  

But, bread, well bread is another story.  I'll never turn down a slice of homemade bread, be it topped with jelly, oozing with warm butter, or -heck- even plain (my personal favorite).

For the past two weeks we've enjoyed nothing but our own homemade bread.  No preservatives or chemicals or crazy compounds- just whole grain goodness with nifty designs (mostly stars) carved into the perfect golden crust.

Could this be a dream come true?  Carbs and art?  
I'm in bread baking heaven.

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