Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sweet Home Somerset

"Home is the place where it feels alright to walk around without shoes."
~ Joe Moore
We've unpacked, washed clothes, and visited the the grocery story-- it's official, we're home. To me, my favorite vacation place has always been my backyard. I enjoy the quietness of nothing. Nothing to do, nowhere to go; just simple days doing whatever strikes my fancy.

Before I left my parents' humble abode, I would spend hours perched under the umbrella table with my nose in a book, or drawing useless pictures in a tablet. Crazy, I know, but very Cathy-esque.

Now, I have the pleasure of traveling to new places, exploring the sights, and witnessing the glitz and glamour. Our little Valentine hiatus to Las Vegas allowed for some much needed time away from the snow and slush and ice and cold. Thank you desert for providing such a release.

Ahh, but to be home. The little joys of being inside the walls that see and hear the story of my life.

I love you clean and sanitary shower. I'm beyond gracious that I need not consider wearing flip flops.

Oh dear bed. I'm happy to report that all linens are fresh and have never covered the greasy bodies of people who don't shower before bed. (For those of you who don't know, I'm a two shower a day kinda girl. Who likes to crawl into bed with the day's dirt and grime? eewww...)

Speaking of bed and showers, I'm about to go rinse off and climb into my cozy, clean night-time retreat. It's nice to be back.

...good nighty!

1 comment:

Greta said...

Glad the trip was fun! We missed you. I agree there is no place like home. Fill me in on Sin City when you get a chance.

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