Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's Time

To being with, thank you. Thank you for two years of reading my ramblings, following my adventures, and spending a little bit of your precious time with me. I truly appreciate your kindness and sweet comments and the lovely feedback I've received from many thoughtful individuals.

But, the world is an interesting place, isn't it? It's full of wonderfullness and goodness and people with gracious hearts. I love all of you. Really. I do.

However something has been on my mind recently and I figured I should probably fill you in.

Here it goes:

I kinda like my space and I sincerely enjoying spending time alone. On the other hand, I do enjoy a good shin-dig and I love nothing more than talking and sharing stories and chatting it up with random strangers.

I'm a private person. I'm a people person.

Simply put, I'm a person of contradiction.

But something I keep thinking about is this here little blog. I continually think more and more about the stuff I post on here and how I have no control over who could be reading my thoughts and looking at my pictures and having a glimpse into my rather safe and charming little life. To be honest, it freaks me out-- like heebie geebies.

That being said, the time has come for me to make this little on-line journal a place for me-- a place for my friends and family-- a place for those who knock before entering, if you will.

If you would like to keep up with the adventures of moi, I'd love to have you (even if I don't know you). Weird, right? You see, I'm more than fine with letting strangers read, it's just that I want to be in control of who's stopping by And So It Goes. I do like control. I like to be in charge. It's a bit of a character flaw. ha.

Just leave a comment with your e-mail address. Other than that, you can pour yourself a cup of tea, enjoy the sunshine, and lounge around until Friday when the privacy factor will go into effect.

Thanks for understanding. Much Love.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Answer to My Chilly Dilemas.

"May every stitch you knit bring you a little closer
to that calm, clear space in the center of your soul."
~ Earth Heart Designs

Charlie T. has managed to wedge herself between my lap and the keyboard. I'm pretty sure she's scared. Between cracks of lightening, rumbling thunder, and a pelting rain, she's reached her maximum stress level. Poor thing.

Me, however, I couldn't be more cozy if I tried. Fresh out of the shower and sporting a fresh do-it-myself pedicure, I'm pretty content. Nights like this are the cream in my coffee. Oh, and speaking of coffee, I'm also enjoying a delicious cup. Bliss? I think so.

I started out the morning with a new idea, and a rather crazy one at that. You see, the temperature today reached into the high 80s and the humidity level was something we'd probably be better off to forget. I had a picnic at the playground planned with my friend and her children and a houseful of construction workers hammering and sawing away. Things were a bit busy.

So, obviously, it was the perfect day to knit up a pair of gloves, right?

Exactly. I thought so, too.

But, these aren't just any pair of gloves. Allow me to introduce my first pair of fingerless gloves, or as I have so eloquently dubbed them, Robber Gloves.

I think everyone should have a pair. How many times have you donned your bulky winter attire only to chew off the finger of your glove as you dug through your purse for your keys? Ever been to a football game and tried to dip your nacho while wearing a cumbersome hand warmer, only to end up with lint stuck to your tongue? What about shopping at the autumn bazaars? Who likes to dig through a wallet with a heavy set of gloves or mittens?

Not me.

Hence, a perfect solution-- the answer we all need.

Robber gloves.

Functional. Fashionable. Warm.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Situation Resolved

"In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row."
~John McCrae

I swear that I'm not starting an opium trade, or harvesting seeds, or becoming a drug addict. Actually, I'm quite the anti-drug person; however I'm madly in love with poppies. I really dislike myself for it, because, you see, I know they have a shady symbolism. But, ya know what? I don't really care. I like 'em and think they're super pretty. Plus, I'm totally loving the bright citrus colors.

Interestingly, every morning when I would eagerly check on my young poppy plants and their bursting buds, I would find them missing. I had an official mystery to solve. Oh goodie- I've always wanted to be Nancy Drew.

Perhaps it was the neighborhood druggie. Yes. That would make sense. It just figures that my innocent love of a flower would fuel a teenager's illegal activities. Then again, I've noticed some over-active squirrels. Perhaps the little critters are enjoying my poppies a bit too much. Oh, but I can't dismiss the family of rabbits who reside in a hole under the lush ground cover. They have been quite the hoppy little cotton tails as of late. Sigh.

Then, just the other day, my mama gave me some liquid fence. To say that it's rancid and foul smelling would be a bit of an understatement. It's totally gross. I find it a bit much, but whatever it's made of definitely seems to keep the sneaky, poppy snatching monsters at bay.

Oh, Sweet Summer

"That beautiful season . . . the Summer of All-Saints! Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood."
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

My list of things to accomplish today grows by the millisecond. I find myself so motivated when it's pretty outside. I'll chalk it up to the sunshine and warmth and beautiful blossoms. Days like today make me feel like I should pay to live; like Mother Nature should charge me a fee for enjoying her amusement park.

Today I enjoyed a very productive walk with my pal and her kiddos. We chatted, walked errands, purchased fresh bread and veggies at the local fruit market, and capped off the adventure with a little playground time for the tiny-tots.

I also managed to find some time to relax and enjoy the blue skies. There's something beyond wonderful about a few hours perched under one's favorite tree. Who says I can't convert a beach towel into a lawn towel? Not me. I'd rather be in my backyard anyway. Give me my book and a free afternoon and I'll be the happiest thing on this green earth.

While lounging under the shade of Terrance, it amazed me at the beauty of the landscape around me. It's something I see everyday, but sometimes when I take myself out of the experience and look at a scene with a new set of eyes, the vision proves especially delightful.

Watching the flowers reach to the sun and seeing the tiny bugs as they gently landed on the pages of my book, reminded me of what an amazing place I get to call home. How lucky I am to have today. How lucky I am to have peace. How luck I am to be.

Happy first day of summer. Cheers to the first of many!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fine. Take That.

"Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails."
~Max Eastman

This morning brought gray skies and a cozy feeling. The breeze blew the tree branches and lush vegetation, creating a ballet of green dancers frolicking through the neighborhood. With tea in hand, I made my way to the workshop and settled in for some time with my favorite blogs and websites. Of course, just about the time I settled in, got comfy in my chair, and enjoyed my first sip of warm, sweet tea, the air-conditioner repair man came to the door.


You should also know that I've been trying to teach my old dog a new trick. Yes, it's true. Unfortunately she feels the need to sit in the front window and bark and bark and bark and bark each and every time someone walks by. And, being that we live in a quaint neighborhood, people are always walking by...usually, with a dog or two.

So, I'm sure you can understand why I've had it, why I can no longer take it, and why the barking must stop. We've been making progress and I've only started working on this about a week ago. Combine my amazing teaching talents and her above average intelligence and we're quite the team. Thankfully, things are getting much better.

Little Peep, the master of all, knew that the repair man lurked outside the walls of the house. She pranced and pawed and huffed and puffed, but she didn't bark. Every time that she started a deep "gurring" sound, I firmly reminded her, "No. No barking."

She was made at me. I could tell. Finally, she turned to me, let out this huge sigh/snort, turned around, walked away, and hid under the bed.

Oh my goodness- it was too funny. I could practically hear her saying, "Agh! You make me so mad, Mama. I'm going to go pout."

Alas, she never did bark. Mission accomplished.

And, you'll be happy to know, she has emerged from her hiding place and found a warm sunbeam to bask in.

Good girl, Munchkin. Your mama is proud.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How Do You Measure Success?

"You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives."
~Clay P. Bedford

Today marked my first day of summer vacation. Whew. Double whew.

To say that this year challenged me; mentally, physically, and emotionally, would actually be a complete understatement. However, in some crazy, hard to understand way, I enjoyed it. I'd compare it to completing my half-marathon, except that this school year was like sprinting through a 500 million mile obstacle course.

If I survived this year, I can handle anything. Bring it on.

Together my students learned, created, broke personal bests, and pushed themselves to tackle new endeavors.

Yet, they also cried, lost tempers, hurt feelings, and made cruel remarks.

But, through it all, those sixth graders became better people, the type of people whom I hope will leave a positive mark on the world around them.

I'm a person who constantly reflects and I'll give full credit to my college professors for instilling in me this err-- shall we say-- over analytical thinking. However, when reflecting upon this school year and thinking about summer vacation I battle a few different mentalities.

We'll just put those PSSA scores aside for a second, ok? I don't care if 100% of my students are proficient. I'd rather judge reading success by how many of my students bury themselves in a novel this summer. After all, I should be igniting a fire, right? How can I be a true teacher, instilling in my students a love of learning and inspiring curiosity, if none of them touch a book for the next 3 months?

How many of my students will visit a library or a museum or use the computer to explore something that interests them? How many will write a letter to a far away relative or address an envelope? How many will question, explore, and wonder?

Sometimes success is gently tucked away; hidden on porch swings, tucked into cozy beds, or buried in backseats. I prefer to measure my teaching success that way.

Numbers and data sure don't lie, but neither do unsolicited actions.

Happy Summer, Happy Reading (I hope!)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Footloose and Fancy Free

"Age shouldn't affect you. It's just like the size of your shoes - they don't determine how you live your life! You're either marvellous or you're boring, regardless of your age."
~Steven Morrissey

I really need to start making these for grown-up girls, like me. I'd totally rock purple kicks.

Happy Weekending.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Walking on Sunshine

I feel alive
I feel the love
I feel the love
That's really real

I'm on sunshine baby oh, oh yeah
I'm on sunshine baby oh yea!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

And They're Off!

“There is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost.”
~Martha Graham

Busy, busy, busy-- that's how I'd describe my week.
But, it was also oh so fun. Fun like a huge vanilla ice-cream cone with sprinkles and a cherry. The kind that you'd slurp up on a hot summer day at the beach.

There's something I sincerely enjoy about my quiet time with my yarns and knitting needles and crafty little buttons. I love swimming in my ribbon and and daydreaming up new projects.

Today I'll be making some deliveries and shipping others away.

Oh, there are going to be some stylin lil babies cooing around.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Spotted: Queen Cuteness

"A weekend wasted isn't a wasted weekend."
~ Author Unknown

Wag those tails, people. The weekend is here.

Ruff, Ruff,
Charlie T.
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