Sunday, January 10, 2010

Beautiful Day

"Life: It is about the gift not the package it comes in."
~Dennis P. Costea, Jr.

It's still freezing, but at least the sun has her sweet face out today. In some way it's a bit refreshing, like an unexpected laugh or fantastic present for no reason at all.

I feel settled today, which is exactly how I didn't expect to feel when I woke up.

Annoyed, peeved, a bit aggravated? Yea. Settled, content, a bit relaxed? Nope. I just wasn't feeling it.

Something about an "off day" elliptical workout turned things around. Well, most likely it wasn't the workout, but the little chat with my dearest pal.

Thank you. You made my day.

1 comment:

Maria said...

can I talk to that friend? I am feeling unsettled, confused, sad, weird.

I would like to feel settled and content.

Again, nice very cold.

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