Friday, June 29, 2012

Finding Our Way

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” 
~John Muir

  Under the shade of our umbrella, Chad-o and I found ourselves engrossed in a new pile of magazines.  While we read, we chatted and discussed and sipped tea, all-the-while enjoying the sun and warmth of a Sunday morning.  

An adventurous hike, on an unknown trail, wasn't on our to-do list.

Oh well. So much for the list.  

Weekends mean relaxing and de-stressing, so we fired up the Internet, looked up the trail we wanted, and set out for our adventure.

Charlie wants it to be known that she ventured leash-free for the entire hike.  She's quite the independent rebel these days. (Clap your paws, please- per her request.)

Truth be told, our destination served as the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail Bridge that crosses the Pennsylvania Turnpike.  Finding the real trail proved a bit more difficult that originally thought.

But find it we did.   

While hiking along, we came across a mailbox attached to a tree.
Inside, we found a waterproofed journal, full of documented experiences and anecdotes from fellow hikers.

I found sincere amazement at the respect and care people took to preserve the trail and the thoughts of those who have gone before.

Chad-o took the liberty of writing our sentiments, while I lurked about taking photos.

Of course, a true note from us would contain our signature marking:

(A code that, contrary to popular belief, has yet to be cracked.)

 After one last hill and uneven set of rocky steps,

we reached our ultimate destination.

I can't tell you how many hundreds of times I've traveled under that bridge.  Honestly, for many years- all through college- that bridge served as a happy symbol.  I'd pass under that bridge and think to myself, "I'm home."

What a great adventure and a fabulously wonderful new perspective.

1 comment:

Maria said...

That is so neat! what trail were you on? I only saw a journal like that once before. It was in a house rental in the Outer Banks. People that stayed in the house, wrote about their week there. I think I like the trail journal more. The fact that it survives the seasons outdoors in a ziplock bag is pretty neat.

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