Sunday, March 14, 2010


"The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect, but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves."
~Carl Jung

Creative play appeared on the menu today.
My Sunday was full of knitting and granola baking; a delicious combination of a few of my favorite things ~ imagination and food.

A few weeks ago this Easter grass was but a mere pile of seed and dirt.
However, add a couple gentle, watery mists and a few rays of sunshine and~ wa-la ~ it turns into a growing green chlorophyll machine.

Although these little sweet feets have a bit more growing to do, they're well on their way to being tiny treats for some cutie babies.

Ahh...~ may the sprouting continue!


Maria said...

I love those little booties! and your Easter grass is pretty too. I am going to grow an indoor herb garden this spring. I will keep you posted in its progress.

Ashley Schott said...

Those little shoes are sooooo adorable!! Great post girlie:)

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