Saturday, April 18, 2009

Things Are Bloomin, Bloomin

"The 'amen' of nature is always a flower."
~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Come with me. Won't you join me on an early evening walk through my yard? We'll pretend we're gently sauntering along the garden path, while drinking fresh lemonade, or perhaps, homemade sangria.

Hooray for the forsythia! Finally, finally, finally, they are beginning to emerge. Don't you just love their yellow faces?

Not to be outdone by it's sunny neighbor, the white primrose decided to showcase some of it's lovely star-centered blooms.

And of course, there's the hosta, slowly poking through the damp soil.

Yes-sir-ree. The yard at 403 is a happening place, full of quiet activity.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Oh I love a hosta! Ours are coming up too, each spike is a poke in the eye for winter! great blog

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