Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Quiet Morning

"Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open."
~BKS Iyengar

Yesterday, as the snow tumbled from the sky and the roads piled high with slush and ice, I used my amazingly accurate teacher's intuition to predict another day off from school.

Although my phone didn't ring with the cancellation news until sometime early this morning, I pretty much figured my 'no school prediction' would be correct.

Since I was so super-positive of my approaching day off, I decided to spend last night baking up this extremely tasty and wonderfully healthy homemade vegan granola. However, I might have done myself more harm than good-- I can't stop eating it.

Today, however, I had a most wonderful time. Me and CT sat in complete silence, ate berry yogurt with homemade granola and watched the snow flip-flop in the bitter wind.

Quiet, peaceful mornings and an unscheduled day off from work- there's nothing better.


Karey said...

Looks delicious! You'll have to post the recipe!

Maria said...

Cathy you brought back a funny memory of granola.

When I was 11 or 12 we went to my grandfathers cabin in Maine for a few weeks. My mom brought a few boxes of cereal and they all went in a few days fast except the Nature's Valley 100% Granola.

When we stayed for an extra two weeks and that was all we had to eat for breakfast. All 5 of us crunching away on that granola. I still remember the green box sitting on the shelf and dreading the endless crunching that was coming but being hungry with nothing else to eat.

Fun memories. Thanks!

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